It’s Not Just for Cooking! Five Excellent Uses for Olive Oil That Don’t Involve a Stove

Posted in Home Tips by Michigan Real Estate Expert on September 17th, 2014

It's Not Just for Cooking! Five Excellent Uses for Olive Oil That Don't Involve a StoveOlive oil contains heart-healthy fats, making it a great choice for those concerned about a healthy diet. However, this amazing natural oil can also be used to solve a variety of household and beauty problems.

A high-quality oil like extra-virgin olive oil tastes great for eating and cooking but for beauty and household purposes, a less expensive type will probably work fine.

Remove Stickers And Price Tags

Taking off price tags and stickers often takes time, and it can be a real challenge to remove the entire thing. Stop stressing and get out some olive oil! Dab a sticker with oil, then wait for the sticker to soak up the oil. After waiting a minute or two and both the sticker and the residue will usually wipe off easily.

Treat and Remove Head Lice

Products for removing lice can contain potentially harmful chemicals. They can be expensive and sometimes they just don’t work. Try substituting olive oil for a simple – and often very effective – remedy. Simply coat the head and scalp with olive oil, then leave on for approximately an hour. Shampoo and repeat the process to get rid of the lice quickly.

Renew Leather And Wood

Breathe new life into leather or wood by applying olive oil. For wood, rub it in a teaspoon at a time, using a soft cloth. Allow time for the wood to absorb the oil, then just rub away any excess after about thirty minutes. The oil may also be used to protect wooden cutting boards, utensils and other kitchen items made of wood. Renew old leather baseball gloves, jackets and more using the same process.

Get Off Gum

Sticky situations can also be solved using olive oil. To get gum off a shoe, or out of someone’s hair, soak a cloth or paper towel in olive oil. Hold it on the spot with the gum for about 10 minutes. The oil helps break down the gum, allowing it to be removed easily.

No More Squeaks

Try using olive oil to squelch a squeak. Just rub a cotton ball or cloth dipped in oil onto a noisy hinge or spring. Then all you have to do is sit back and appreciate the silence. Best of all, this solution is odor-free and non-toxic.

Olive oil keeps for as long as two years. After that time the oil starts to lose its flavor, and it may spoil. However, the oil will often still remain good for household uses. One bottle of olive oil makes a great substitute for so many different products. So give it a try to save money, save space and solve some problems, all at the same time.

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Low Budget Decorating Tips For Your Home

Posted in Home Decorating by Michigan Real Estate Expert on June 27th, 2014

Low Budget Decorating Tips For Your HomeDon’t despair if you are short on cash. You can still have a beautifully decorated home. Sometimes a little elbow grease is a decent replacement for extra cash, and other times you can get great deals by shopping around. You may even find the expensive item that you wanted for a great bargain.


Simple things can mean a lot. You can change the entire look and feel of a room by just changing the window treatments. New drapes or blinds add warmth and appeal and will instantly give your home a fresh new look.

If that’s not enough, a fresh coat of paint transforms any room. Paint is one of the least expensive home decorating tools, and you can save even more money by doing it yourself instead of hiring a painter. It doesn’t require a lot of skill it just takes some time and good planning.

If your furniture looks tired, adding new throw pillows in vibrant colors that either match or contrast your room’s colors can make a world of difference, and help your old furniture regain its appeal.

The bathroom is the second most commonly remodeled room in the house (after the kitchen), but it can cost a lot of money to replace cabinets, fixtures, or tile. Simple things can help give your bathroom a face-lift: add candles for a lovely glow and inviting fragrance. Get new towels to hang and repaint walls. Re-grout any tiled areas for a fresh new feel.


Coming home from a long day of work to a worn-out looking home can be a downer. Add some hanging baskets of flowers or vines by the door and trim your path with a flower bed or decorative stone. Apply a little labor and repaint the trim on windows and doors to give your home a quick lift.

It doesn’t take a lot of money to make your home a haven.

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