Downsizing Your Demands for a Royal Oak Michigan Home for Sale

Posted in Royal Oak Michigan Homes for Sale by Michigan Real Estate Expert on August 15th, 2010

Are you tired of looking for a Royal Oak Michigan home for sale? Have you found any that had everything you wanted, but cost too much? Are you dissatisfied with the selection?


A while back, I had a buyer tell me he didn’t want to spend more than $100,000 on a Royal Oak Michigan home for sale. He gave me a long list of features he felt the house must have – a pool, a big kitchen for his wife, four bedrooms, etc. With it being his market (a buyer’s market), he said, I should have no problems finding a home with those qualifications and that price. He refused to budge on any of it. That buyer is no longer my client.

You May Have to Compromise
The buyer had read tons of material about it being a buyer’s market. Prices, while not particularly great for the sellers, are great for the buyers. “Thar’s gold in them thar hills.” In other words, there are deals to be had.

It’s all true, but there are limitations to what your money can buy, even now. If you’re getting frustrated due to a lack of fully automated homes with pools and fallout shelters for $35,000, it’s time to ask yourself, “Do I really need a pool?”

Okay, so that’s an exaggeration, but there is a legitimate question in all this. Can you compromise? If you want a pool, can you buy a home with a big backyard where a pool can be built later? Do you have to have a pool right now?

Consider that a home is a long-term acquirement. Think about what you want versus what you need. For example, maybe you want a big kitchen. What you’ve found are smaller kitchens with big dining rooms. Can the two rooms be opened up to create a dining/cooking area? Again, can you compromise?

Before you go house hunting again, examine your expectations. Are they realistic? If not, create a list of needs, and then create a list of wants. Think about where you can compromise on the two lists. Of course, you should be able to get some of your “wants,” but you may not be able to get all of them.

When you look at a Royal Oak Michigan home for sale that you can afford, also look at the possibilities. Can the affordable home be remodeled over time into the dream home you want?

If you’re looking for a home with great potential, I can help. Call me at 248-514-2640 or email me at

Lee Morof sells North Woodward Homes in Oakland County Michigan RE/MAX Showcase Homes

Lee Morof
Associate Broker/Attorney
RE/MAX Showcase Homes
Birmingham, Michigan
Call:  248-514-2640

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