Archive for Real Estate Trends

Open Concept Living Is A Lifestyle Choice

Posted in Real Estate Tips by Michigan Real Estate Expert on June 3rd, 2022

Open Concept Living Is A Lifestyle ChoiceThe coronavirus pandemic has had a significant impact on individuals and families across the world, and it has permanently changed the way we live our lives. We will continue to wash our hands more frequently than before, we will probably avoid people if we are the slightest bit ill, and the way our homes work has been changed forever. In particular, open-concept living might not be as popular as it once was. 

Why Is Open Concept Living Less Popular Than Before?

The biggest reason why open-concept living might now be less popular than it once was is that people are spending more time at home than they were before. Parents are working from home, children have to go to school from home, and chores around the house still have to get done. It can be difficult for parents to have a conference call if kids are going to school right next door. When this is combined with pets people have at home, it is easy to see why open-concept living could be a problem. The noise coming from the TV, the computer, fighting kids, and barking dogs can be incredibly distracting.

Why Open Concept Living Might Still Be Popular

Even though there are certainly some downsides that people discovered to open concept living, the advantages still remain. Open concept living creates more space to entertain, it lets in more natural light, and it allows family members and friends to feel more together even if they are in different rooms. To some, open-concept living might continue to be appealing, even if families with young children have a few downsides to overcome.

Open Concept Living Is A Lifestyle Choice

Ultimately, the pandemic has shown us that open concept living is a lifestyle choice. It is not something to be tossed to the side, and it is not something that is required. People simply need to decide whether an open-concept lifestyle is right for them. They need to think about what their lives look like today as well as what they will look like in the future. Keep in mind that nothing is permanent. There are ways for people to make changes to their homes to make them better suit their needs. 


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Popcorn Ceilings and the Trend to Remove Them

Posted in Real Estate Tips by Michigan Real Estate Expert on September 21st, 2021

Popcorn Ceilings and the Trend to Remove ThemDuring the 1970s, home building picked up on the idea of a cheap but effective way to reduce sound travel from one floor to the next: popcorn ceilings. Essentially, after the drywall was installed, a finisher would come in with a plaster mix and spray on the ceiling drywall for a bit of a lumpy effect. The disparate clumps and bumps not only created a texture to an otherwise flat-looking ceiling, they also helped break up sound waves. After being spray-painted in white, the ceiling texture essentially blended with the rest of the room to produce a finished look. Popcorn ceilings were such a common approach, entire home subdivisions had cookie-cutter ceiling work done by teams on new homes.

A Bad Memory From the Past

Today, popcorn ceilings are like sheet vinyl on flooring, relics of the 1970s decade and almost a trigger for a negative gut reaction from anyone who lived in that time period, particularly as a kid. Worse, prior to 1978, some of the material used to create the popcorn ceiling also included asbestos under the idea that it would improve safety and increase fire resistance ( disregarding the fact that asbestos is extremely hazardous to breathe once airborne).

Leverage for a Buyer, Vulnerability for a Seller

No surprise, anyone in modern times coming into a used home as a new buyer and owner will likely want to have the popcorn ceiling texture completely removed and redone. In some cases, during a buyer’s market, some prospects will actually want the seller to pay for the work to sell the home quickly.

Sellers should expect, at a minimum, that the issue will be used to argue for a lower price, at least in a normal market or where there is competition to secure a buyer. Only during a seller’s market will the presence of the popcorn ceiling pretty much be a non-issue for a quick sale.

While it might seem tempting to just have the owner scrape the ceilings and repaint them, it’s best to have a professional take care of the removal in a clean process. Especially if the home is older than 1978, the work could be hazardous and require specific steps for proper mitigation.

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Taking A Look At The Top Trends In Bathroom Design

Posted in Real Estate Tips by Michigan Real Estate Expert on August 19th, 2021

Taking A Look At The Top Trends In Bathroom DesignIt is important to make the bathroom a relaxing, peaceful, and stress-free location. Many people view their bathrooms as a sanctuary, and it is important to treat them as such. What are a few popular trends that are taking place in bathroom design? 

Customized Tiles In The Bathroom

Many people enjoy customizing the tiles they use in their bathrooms. These are commonly called affinity tiles, which are concrete tiles with creative scenes and prints on them. They come in a wide variety of colors, designs, and styles. Many homeowners like to use these types of tiles to create a bold pattern in the bathroom. They are commonly used on the floor, near the bathtub, or in the shower. 

Floating Sinks And Vanities

One popular trend that is taking place is a floating vanity. This is a sink that looks like it is floating above the ground. Instead of having a pillar that connects the sink to the ground, the sink sits on a shelf. Then, the pipe is relatively short, making it difficult to spot. From a standing height, this makes it look like the sink is floating, creating a crisp, clean appearance in the bathroom.

A Natural Theme

Many homeowners are creating natural things in their bathrooms by using botanical wallpaper. The reality is that right now, bold patterns are in. During renovation projects, many homeowners are showcasing their personal styles in their bathrooms. For example, a large botanical print often includes colorful leaves and flowers. This makes it easier for homeowners to make a statement. Then, the flowers and leaves are printed on either a light or dark background, allowing the nature scene to stand out. This creates a relaxing feeling that many people love when they spend time in the bathroom. 

Bring The Styles Together

Finally, homeowners should remember that these options are not mutually exclusive. There are plenty of fusion designs that can bring all of these together. That way, everyone will feel more comfortable while occupying the bathroom. Renovating a bathroom could also be a great way to add more value to the home. 


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