Bloomfield Hills Real Estate Tips to Keep Your Home Safe During the Holidays

Posted in Bloomfield Hills Real Estate by Michigan Real Estate Expert on December 12th, 2011

Holidays are full of joy and family fun – and potential hazards all about. Bloomfield Hills real estate homeowner can keep harmony and health in their home this season, by keeping these safety tips in mind:

  • Sparkly, Not Sparking, Electrical Safety: Plugging extension cords into extension cords into extension cords to create a wire farm of electricity can be a fire hazard. Blown circuit breakers are one sign that you’re overloading the capacity of your home. Don’t wait for the sparks. If you are using lights outside, make sure that they are approved for outdoor, all-weather use for your Bloomfield Hills real estate.
  • Season of Light, Not of Fire: Never leave candles burning unattended or where pets or children can knock them over. Period. Flames are lovely only when contained to fireplaces and candlestick holders.
  • Balance in All Things: As you decorate your Bloomfield Hills real estate with wreathes, ornaments, and nativity scenes or menorahs and dreidels, consider where and how you are piling them. Too many items perched on tabletops and mantles and dangled from wafer-thin supports may become unstable. If you have to add the word “probably” before “it’s secure,” re-do your approach.
  • Poison Control: Poinsettias, for instance, can be lethal for pets. Mistletoe is good for stealing kisses under but poisonous if eaten. Think about who and what has access to and interest in any new plants, foods, toys, or decorations you’re putting out for the season. Spot, Kitty and the kiddies may think new items look appetizing, from tinsel to food-shaped ornaments. 
  • Respect the Power of Tools: If you only take your chain saw out once a year to cut the bottom off the tree, take a moment to review the manual and find your safety goggles. Hint: the electric knife for the turkey should not be plugged in and left out.

The holiday season can be the harried and hurried season too. Be sure to take the time to make sure everyone survives the holidays in health and happiness.

If you’re thinking of starting the New Year in a new home and you’re interested in looking at Bloomfield Hills real estate or other communities in Oakland County, call me at 248-514-2640 or email me at to start the ball rolling.

Lee Morof
Associate Broker/Certified Distressed Property Expert/Attorney  
RE/MAX Showcase Homes, Birmingham, Michigan
Call:  248-514-2640
