Multi-Generational Living: Our Guide to Buying a Home That Suits Your Whole Family

Posted in Home Buyer Tips by Michigan Real Estate Expert on May 13th, 2015

Multi-generational Living: Our Guide to Buying a Home That Suits Your Whole Family It was very common decades ago for several generations of a family to live together, and this may have included kids, parents, grandparents and even great-grandparents in some cases. Today’s modern homes are generally designed to accommodate a more traditional modern family, which includes only parents and kids or for only a married couple without kids. When you are buying a home for other generations as well, it is important for you to pay attention to a few important points.

The Right Living Spaces and Accommodations

Generally, a home with a floor plan that is most suitable for multiple generations is one with different wings of bedrooms and several different living areas. There is something to be said for togetherness, but you may find that having several different living areas as well as having a floor plan that keeps older family members’ bedrooms away from the bedrooms of younger family members is a good idea.

After all, there will be plenty of times when older family members may want to chit chat or read a good book in a living area while others may want to turn on the TV or music. In addition, they may have different sleeping schedules, and noise from either of their rooms can be bothersome.

Special Considerations for Older and Younger Generations

You should also think about the special needs of older and younger generations. Very young family members, for example, may benefit from a large, enclosed backyard, a play room and well-insulated windows or a home location removed from loud busy roadways. Older generations may prefer a bedroom on the first floor, special safety features in the bathroom and a home without many steps or steep elevations outdoors.

It may be challenging to find a home that can accommodate older and younger generations perfectly, so some modifications may need to be made to a home after purchasing it.

Finding the perfect home for a basic nuclear family is rarely easy, and your challenges may be more significant when you are searching for a home for a multi-generational family. While you may have more needs and desires when looking for a home that is ideal for a larger number of people with more variation in their ages, the fact is that most will be able to find a great home that is ideal for most or all of their needs with a little time and effort.

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Moving In: Our Ultimate Guide to Unpacking Will Help You Maximize Your Space

Posted in Around The Home by Michigan Real Estate Expert on February 20th, 2015

Moving In: Our Ultimate Guide to Unpacking Will Help You Maximize Your Space Many buyers anticipate the day they drive to their new home. Then it happens: the movers pull up. It’s time to move everything in. This can be a daunting task, but following a few steps will break down the work and careful planning will maximize space in the years ahead.

Clear Your Space

Go through each room to make sure the seller removed all belongings. Contact the real estate agent if the seller did not do this. Check the condition of all surfaces to determine how much preparation may be required.

Place Boxes In Correct Rooms

Boxes should be marked by room and either carry a label detailing what’s inside or be matched to a list showing what’s inside. Put each box in the correct room.

Place Boxes In Order Of Need

In each room, place boxes that will not be immediately needed against the far wall. Place boxes needed sooner in front of or on top of those boxes.

Eliminate Excess Items

If this wasn’t done while packing, buyers should stop any unwanted belongings from being taken into the house.

Create A Strategy

Unpacking does not have to be done in one day. Create a strategy for unpacking in three steps: immediate, secondary, and long-term needs.

Immediate Unpacking

Unpack what you need in the next couple of days. This will include bedding, toiletries, basic cooking equipment, and a few changes of clothing.

Secondary Unpacking

In the first week, unpack secondary items. Each day, unpack these items for one or two rooms. In the bedroom, for example, unpack your clothing and accessories. In the kitchen, unpack the rest of what you use for everyday cooking and eating. Do the same for other rooms.

Long-term Unpacking

By the end of the first month, decide what you are going to do with items you don’t use every day. Use extra closets, cupboards, basement or storage rooms, outdoor sheds, and the like. Remember where you put things so you can find them later.

Organize as You Go

Put items away in an organized fashion. Don’t just haphazardly unpack and toss things. It’s better to unpack more slowly and take time to put things away thoughtfully.

Call your real estate agent for moving-in tips and lists to track belongings. Take your time with unpacking and you will create a home where you can find things easily, maintain livable spaces, and enjoy a spacious environment.

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Buying a New Home in the City? The Pros and Cons of Buying a Home on a Busy Street

Posted in Home Buyer Tips by Michigan Real Estate Expert on February 10th, 2015

Buying a New Home in the City? The Pros and Cons of Buying a Home on a Busy Street Finding the perfect property is an exciting feeling, but its relative location can leave a lot of room for worry. Buying a home in the city is a venture that comes with an entire assortment of advantages and disadvantages. While the location might be close in proximity to businesses, services, and other people, it’s easy to worry about the other aspects of city living. What are the great and not-so-great facets of living on a busy street?

Pro: Access to Businesses and Schools

The chances are high that anyone living in a busy area is within walking distance of any store, shop, or service. Likewise, children have a range of options for education in busier areas; there are often multiple schools to choose from in any given busy area.

Pro: Access to Many Internet/TV Providers

In highly populated areas, a large number of internet and TV providers can co-exist. This means residents have a number of options when the time comes to choose providers. Luckily, it’s often difficult for providers monopolize densely populated areas.

Pro: Sense of Community

Many people that live in busy areas will be quick to share that they adore the sense of community. In fact, a large population is often one of the biggest reasons that people choose to move to bigger areas.

Con: Noise Level

As a street sees more activity, there’s no doubt that the noise level will also be a bit higher than usual. Residents that own homes on busy streets not only hear lots of noise from outside traffic, but they also often hear police sirens, animals, conversation, and more.

Con: Higher Price

It’s no secret that busy areas are a bit more expensive to live in. As anyone would expect, the convenience of city living comes with a higher price. Expect to hand over quite a bit more for a property in a highly populated area.

Con: Parking

Depending on the location of the neighborhood, parking can also be a problem. If street parking isn’t allowed, a resident in a big city might have to sacrifice their vehicle or park it a long distance from the property. This can be off-putting for many buyers.

If you’re on the fence about purchasing a property on a busy street, get more information from your trusted real estate agent before making a decision. A professional agent can provide valuable information about the property, neighborhood, chances for resale in the future, and much more. Don’t proceed any further without an agent’s advice!

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Moving in to a New City or Community? Here’s Why You’ll Want to Meet the Neighbors

Posted in Home Buyer Tips by Michigan Real Estate Expert on November 6th, 2014

Moving in to a New City or Community? Here's Why You'll Want to Meet the NeighborsAre you moving to a new community or a new city? When you find a new house that meets your needs and seems like a perfect fit, you’ll want to take some time to meet your potential new neighbors before you sign on the dotted line.

In today’s blog post we’ll share a few reasons why meeting the neighbors can help you feel right at home in your new community.

Your Neighbors Are Experts on Your Local Community

Whether you have questions about the area’s safety at night or you simply want to know where the best coffee shops are, you’ll find that your neighbors are an excellent source of information about the local area.

Spend some time thinking about questions that you would want answered before committing to buy in a certain area, and ask the locals after you’ve viewed the home. Yes, you could ask the seller, but remember that it’s their goal to get you to buy the home and you’re most likely interested in impartial answers.

They Can Help the Kids Get Settled in

If you’re moving to a new city with children you’ll likely want to get them introduced to other neighborhood kids so they can start making new friends. Meeting your potential neighbors during the home buying process will allow you to determine which have children that are of a similar age as yours. Of course, if you find that there are no other children in the local community that might be a sign that the area isn’t very family-friendly, so you’ll want to factor this in as well.

You’ll Need to Assess Your Future Relations

If you decide to buy this particular new home you’re likely going to be living in the local neighborhood for years – perhaps even decades. Meeting the local neighbors before purchasing your home allows you to make an assessment of how well you’re going to integrate into the local community and whether or not you’ll be able to have warm relations with those that live around you. It takes just a few minutes of asking around friends and family to hear horror stories about bad neighbors; meeting the locals will help ensure that you don’t make a mistake that you’ll regret later.

When you’re ready to start your hunt for the perfect new home – and the perfect new neighbors – contact your local real estate professional. Working with an experienced real estate agent is the best way to get the home you’re after in a price range you can afford.

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