Accent Walls: 3 Easy Ways to Spice up Your Space

Posted in Around The Home by Michigan Real Estate Expert on March 25th, 2016

Accent Walls: 3 Easy Ways to Spice up Your SpaceFor those who love to decorate and are always excited to test out the latest trends in design, the accent wall is a concept that’s become popular in recent years. If you’re not sure how to use this feature to twist any room on its side, here’s how to go about painting your very own and instantly dressing up the look of your favorite room.

Pick The Perfect Wall

When deciding on the ideal location for an accent wall, it’s important to consider which space in your home will benefit from a splash of color and still be complimented by this unique look. Whether you decide on a wall in your bedroom or living room, the location of your accent wall should be somewhere it can have a positive impact on the look of your room without overpowering its natural ambiance.

Decide On A Color You Can Live With

Once you’ve picked the perfect place for your paint, you’ll want to narrow down the list of color options to ones that will work best for the wall. It can be tempting to go from the most brilliant of colors to really indulge in accent, but think of this wall as a way to merely boost the look of a room you already enjoy. By choosing a color that is both vibrant and understated – and goes with your design aesthetic – you can use this wall to maximum, nuanced effect.

Any Additional Accents?

If you’re just wading into the water with home decorating, it’s entirely likely that an accent wall will be enough for now, but if you’re just beginning you may want to consider some other interesting design details as well. While you could choose more than one color to brighten things up or draw a makeshift frame around the border of each wall, if you’re interested in something funky you may want to use some stencils – like hearts or stars – to instantly add a whimsical effect!

There are no hard and fast rules when it comes to home decorating, but if you’ve been considering an accent wall for a while you might want to test it out first before diving in with neon colors and funky stencils. If you’re making some changes to your home because you’re thinking of selling in the next few years, you may want to contact one of our local real estate professionals for more inside information.

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Planning for 2015 Already? Here are Some Home Decor Trends to Watch Out For

Posted in Around The Home by Michigan Real Estate Expert on September 11th, 2014

Planning for 2015 Already? Here are Some Home Decor Trends to Watch Out ForYour home is your haven, your place to get away from the world at the end of a long day. That’s why keeping your home decor on-trend is important: It will create an inspiring and relaxing space that you can enjoy.

Whether you are looking for changes you can make at your existing residence or you’re thinking about what to look for in a new home, pay attention to what’s coming in 2015. These exciting trends in home decor that are really making a splash.

It’s All About Color

From exterior to interior color schemes, 2015 is the year of lavender, plum, tan, beige, and blue, with a dash of green. expect to see variations of these colors dressing new homes. You can make a refreshing change in your own home simply by applying a new coat of paint in your living space.

Start small and see what a difference it can make in one room. You can go big with new vinyl siding if you really want to make your home pop.

Transform Your Outdoor Living Space

Many homeowners are tapping into the potential of their yards. From patios to gazebos and waterscapes, there are so many ways that you can enhance your outdoor space and create an escape that is appealing and inviting.

Bring The Outdoors Inside

The latest buzz is about color schemes, fabrics, and prints that create an airy atmosphere within the home. It’s like nature has been invited in to stay a while. Use water colors, soft textures and eye-catching pictures on the wall to create a fantasy that is irresistible.

Take Your Decor Back In Time

Many see a return to older, simpler times as an upcoming trend in home decor. Don’t be surprised to see antique rockers on the porch, a grandfather clock in the hallway, and family photographs from bygone days to bring back a sense of yesteryear.

Give Your Space Two Green Thumbs Up

Homeowners are trying to create a natural ambiance by bringing more greenery into their yards and homes. Consider making the addition of live plants to the interior – it adds a decorative touch and improves air quality.

2015 is going to bring with it some big changes in home decor trends. Whether you’re looking to sell your home or you just want to spruce it up, these great decor ideas will help you to create a livable space that has 2015 written all over it.

For more information about the latest trends, or to find out how you can use home decor to boost your home’s resale value, contact your local real estate professional today.

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