It’s Time to Fall Back on Helpful Southeast Michigan Real Estate Connections

Posted in Southeast Michigan Real Estate by Michigan Real Estate Expert on November 4th, 2011

With Daylight Saving Time turning back the clock this month, sellers having trouble going the for-sale-by-owner route should take a hint from Father Time: Set aside the time to “fall back” on helpful connections and get your Southeast Michigan real estate sold.

Your for-sale-by-owner home is probably clear of clutter and staged to perfection, so why aren’t buyers lining up to take a peek? If it’s not the price, then it probably means you need to take a look at your marketing. The tips below will guide you on how to take some time to fall back on local connections and reach out to more people.

  • Connect through all your communities. Networking online through real estate sites and social media  platforms are a good place to start, but don’t stop there. Utilize all of your connections by emailing friends, close coworkers, social groups and any other contacts from activities in which you participate. Also, talk to neighbors because they’ll be the best advocates for getting someone they know and like to move in down the street.
  • Ask a friend to do a walk-through. It is always valuable to have a fresh set of eyes to notice the things that you’ve gotten used to, such as old hardware, a yard in need of attention or a wall that could use a fresh coat of paint. Also, if you have pets, make sure you ask a friend without any pets to give your home a quick sniff. Lingering pet smells are always a turnoff for potential buyers.
  • Reach out to Southeast Michigan real estate agents. While this may seem counter-intuitive for a for-sale-by-owner seller, this is actually a great avenue for reaching potential property purchasers. Real estate agents have buyers, and if you offer a commission, they might send them your way.

Selling Southeast Michigan real estate is harder than it seems, so make sure you’re utilizing all of your resources. And if nothing seems to be working, then you might want to seriously consider hiring an agent.

Please call me at 248-514-2640 or email me at if you’re finding it hard to unload your home for sale.

Lee Morof
Associate Broker/Certified Distressed Property Expert/Attorney  
RE/MAX Showcase Homes, Birmingham, Michigan
Call:  248-514-2640

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